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From the little (and big) people at the Sizo Centre – thank you!

Wednesday 5 June 2019
If you’re one of the amazing people who responded generously to our recent appeal for support for the Sizolopakathi Early Childhood Centre, thank you so much!

In a rural area of Mpumulanga, the Sizo Centre is an incredibly important part of the lives of children of all ages in of Tjakastad. During the first few years of life, approximately 700 neural connections are formed every second.

These connections are dictated by the interplay of a baby’s genetics, environment and experiences, especially the child’s interactions with adults. These are the connections that build brain architecture: the foundation upon which all later learning and behaviour depend.

Children who aren’t exposed to early learning opportunities before the age of five are left at a distinct disadvantage. This is why centres like Sizo are invaluable in underprivileged communities: they help ensure that an impoverished environment doesn’t strip a child of the potential to learn.

To support this project or to find out more, click here.